Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Strip I Keep.

I thought of sharing this, ever since I came up with the idea of conceiving this blog. I Keep this in front of my writing space at home, to remind me to be weary of the opinions of others when it comes to making Art, that I have to be mindful that what I'm trying to convey isn't to please any particular audience, but to be as truthful as I can be to the way I see and observe the world around me. I'm starting to find that my Art is meant to give me more than pleasure, there's a certain amount of responsibility that goes with the process of Art making, but there's no political agenda in what I create and I am not making art solely for private gain. There is definitely an agenda going on, but the specifics of the agenda are personal to me. For me, an agenda must never be written like a manifesto, it always fails in that form, for my work, an agenda must remain unspoken for it to be as open as a poem. I don't want to shy away from 'abstract' thoughts, thoughts that are too vast and complicated for most to comprehend but at the same time I'm hoping that the work can be relatable. Anyway, this is the way I have seen the world thus far, a sequence of conflicting polarities that once strung together and worked out, might lead to hidden truths or new pathways.

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